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Little facts about baby giraffe you can get in my post and that is amazing factoflife.
Fun information and facts about giraffe for kids
Fact #1
The giraffe is the tallest mammal on earth. New-born baby giraffes are even taller than mosthumans. And males can grow up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) tall.
Fact #2
The neck of a giraffes is too short to reach the ground. So it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

A giraffe face
Fact #3
Like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
Fact #4
Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour of being born. After only 10 hours, they can actually run alongside their family.

A baby giraffe
Fact #5
Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period.
Fact #6
Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from plants they eat.
Fact #7
The idea that giraffes make no sound is untrue. When giraffes snort, bellow, hiss, etc, they make flute-like or low pitch noises beyond the range of human hearing.
Fact #8
Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the male's mouth.

Giraffe couple in love
Fact #9
Giraffes are ruminants. This means that they have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food.
Fact #10
Drinking is one of the most dangerous times for a giraffe. While it is getting a drink it cannot keep a look out for predators and is vulnerable to attack.
Fact #11
Male giraffes sometimes fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes one giraffe is hit to the ground during a combat.
Fact #12
A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.

Fact #13
The hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.
Fact #14
Giraffes have a great sense of sight and smell and are able to run at speeds up to 35 miles per hour.

Fact #15
However, a baby giraffe in the wild is vulnerable because it has a shorter gait and is unable to keep up with the herd if a predator is detected. In the days and weeks following a birth, a mother giraffe will sometimes leave her baby hidden in tall grass for a few hours while she eats and roams.
Check out more topic facts, penguins,.....

Little facts about baby giraffe

By : agreview
Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2016
Football or soccer is the most popular sport in the world.  Let’s test your knowledge about this sport with our list of interesting facts of football or soccer facts and history.
Soccer football sport facts
Football, soccer facts
Fact #1
There are various explanations for the word football. Though, it is widely supposed that this word refers to the action of the “foot” kicking a “ball”.
Fact #2
Football or soccer originated in China around 476 B.C.
Fact #3
The American Professional Football Association was formed in 1920. 2 years later, it changed its name to the National Football League (NFL), which would eventually become the major league of American football.
Fact #4
This sport is the most played as well as the most watched sport on earth.
Fact #5
Super Bowl is the most watched television show event in the U.S.
Fact #6
Today most of the balls are made from layers of synthetic leather while the bladders inside the ball are made from latex or butyl.
Fact #7
149 – 0 is the highest score ever made in a soccer match.
Fact #8
The first soccer game ever televised was a friendly football match between Arsenal’s first and second team in the year of 1937.
Fact #9
After the whistle to start a football matchLee Todd, a soccer player, said “F*ck me, that was loud” and received the fastest red card in history, 2 seconds.
Fact #10
Qatar’s 2022 World Cup will take more lives than 9/11 because of horrible working conditions for migrant workers when building infrastructure as well as stadiums for this big event.
Fact #11
8 of the 12 host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil are among the 50 most violent cities in the world.
2014 fifa world cup in brazil soccer facts

2014 FIFA World Cup in Brasil
Fact #12
Cristiano Ronaldo, a famous soccer player, even opened a museum dedicated to himself in 2013. 
Fact #13
It is hilarious that more than 1 in 20 football injuries are caused by celebrating goals on the pitch.
Fact #14
Football players run as far as 9.5 miles in a single soccer match on average.
Fact #15
FIFA has more member countries than the United Nations.
Fact #16
The original ball for 2014 World Cup was produced in Pakistan.
Fact #17
While the U.S only poured $30 million into infrastructure improvements for the World Cup1994Brazil spent up to $11 billion for World Cup 2014.
Fact #18
Mario Balotelli, a famous football player is an Italian. He was born to immigrants from Ghana and raised by a Jewish mother.
Fact #19
Mesut Ozil, a famous German soccer player, donated 300,000 Euro  of World Cup victorybonus to pay surgeries for 23 children in Brazil. He is so kind, huh?
Mesut Ozil World Cup victory facts
Mesut Ozil
Fact #20
Soccer fans in Italy are called as Tifosi which means Carriers of Typhus due to the fact that their fanatism is just like a fever.
Fact #21
Soccer matches are played on a grassy field called a pitch. The field is rectangular and must be between 100 and 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide.
Fact #22
World Cup, the biggest soccer tournament in the world, is held every four years in a different country.
Check out for more funny pictures of sports.

Interesting fact about fooball

By : agreview
Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 11, 2016
Most of us know partly or are unaware of football/soccer history, tournament, rules. Here is a list of 15 soccer, football fun facts that you should know.

1. The largest soccer tournament
The World Cup is the biggest soccer tournament in the world. It is held every four years in a different country. Billions of people watch the televised games as the national teams from countries around the globe battle it out for soccer supremacy.
2. The earliest versions of soccer
No one knows exactly when soccer was created, but the earliest versions of the game can be traced back 3,000 years.
3. Other name of soccer
Soccer is the most popular game, sport kind in the world. In many countries it is known as “football”.
4. The first American professional soccer league
The USSA was the first American professional soccer league. They played from 1919 for two years. They were paid $0.35 every time they scored.
5. The first soccer balls in China
In China, the first soccer balls were made from sewn clothing that was filled with rubble. In Europe during the Middle Ages, soccer balls were made from inflated pig bladders.
6. The maximum number of players on a soccer team
The maximum number of players on a soccer team is 11. Some of the different positions are: goalkeeper, center-back, sweeper, fullback, wingback, center-midfielder, defensive midfielder, attacking midfielder, winger, forward, striker, and stopper.
7. Time for an international soccer game
An international soccer game is 90 minutes long. The 90 minutes is divided in two 45 minute halves.
8. Players aim to score goals without using their hands
The aim of soccer is to score as many goals during a game as possible, all without using one’s hands. The only player allowed to use his hands is the goalie. The other players mainly use their feet to move the ball across the field, also known as the pitch
9. The first official soccer rules
The first official soccer rules were formed in 1863 by the English Football Association. Though the rules have changed over the years, the basic game remains the same.
10. Socce popularity in the world
Soccer is the most popular and watched gamed for entertainment in the world. There are around 265 million soccer players and 5 million referees all over the world. Around 3.2 billion people worldwide watched the 2010 final World Cup in South Africa.

Check out if you want to get relaxing momment with our short joke of the day

A list of 15 soccer, football facts

By : agreview
Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 10, 2016
There is a truth that Penguins are good at hunting for their food: krill, fish and squid. This make them become one of the most skilled fish-eating animal on the planet

Kết quả hình ảnh cho How Do Penguins Hunt for Food?

Penguins are among the most skilled fish-eating animals in the world, which is necessary to fuel their high caloric needs. In contrast to fish who need relatively few calories to drive their cold-blooded metabolisms, penguins must eat a lot to heat their bodies internally. Penguins' maneuverability in the water has come at the cost of not only flight, but also gracefulness while walking. Some species engage in a practice called “tobogganing” in which they lie on their bellies and slide from place to place.
Read more fun animal facts

Hunting for krill

Penguins' mouths have a series of spines pointing down their throats, so when they catch food, it stays in their mouths. Penguins almost never chew their food, as they have no teeth other than these spines used for holding the food in place. This is extremely helpful when catching small foods like krill. To catch krill, a penguin typically jumps or slides into the water, then uses its beak to gather the krill like a net. A penguin can also use its sharp beak to collect krill that is sitting on the underside of the ice.
Also see tigers facts

Hunting for fish

Penguins' sharp beaks with sharp edges is a huge advantage to gathering fish quickly. They slide into the water after a school of fish, swim along with the fish and catch fish one at a time, swallowing them as they go. When the penguins have had enough to eat, they climb out of the water and go to sleep.

Hunting for squid

Penguins get squid to eat less often than either krill or fish because squid don't frequent arctic waters. When a penguin is lucky enough to spot a few (penguins eat small squid, around 4 to 5 inches long), he'll dive or slide into the water, swim quickly after the squid, and catch the squid in his mouth. A penguin's throat spines keep the squid from escaping out of his mouth. Then the penguin swallows the squid whole.

Penguins hunting for their food: krill, fish and squid

By : agreview
Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 9, 2016

By the way, check out information about cats to explore science interesting facts about cat species. Everything you wanted to know.

Toads are fascinating animals that feature unique behaviors and characteristics. Learn what a group of toads is called, where toads are found in the world and much more.
Keep reading for more interesting information and facts about toads. 
  • Toads and frogs are both in the order Anura.
  • While toads and frogs are biologically the same there are some key differences between them. Toads are associated with a drier, wart-covered, leathery skin, and shorter legs than frogs. They also can live further away from water.
  • Toads are found on all continents except Antarctica and are also not present on isolated islands like New Zealand, New Guinea, and Madagascar.
  • A group of toads is often called a knot.
  • The common toad (or European toad), is a large-sized species of toad that is found throughout Europe, extending from Siberia into North Africa.
  • The cane toad that is native to South and Central America was introduced inAustralia to combat the pest beetles of sugarcane plantations. However, the cane toad itself is now seen as a widespread pest in the country.
  • Like frogs, toads also start out life in water as fish-like tadpoles.
  • Toads have a pair of parotoid glands on the back of their heads. These glands and the skin in general, contain a poison which the toad excretes if feeling stressed or threatened. The poison has different effects on different animals, some find it irritating to eyes and mouth, while it may be fatal to others.
  • Some species such as the cane toad are more toxic than other species.
  • Contrary to popular believe you will not get warts by touching the bumpy wart-like skin or glands of a toad. The poison does not usually affect humans, however you should always wash your hands after touching a toad.
  • Toads may also play dead, or puff themselves up to appear bigger if they feel threatened by predators.
  • Toads do not have teeth, so they do not chew their food, instead swallowing it whole.
  • Toads are usually nocturnal. They burrow beneath the earth in the day and come out at night to feed on insects.
  • Toads will hibernate throughout the winter months.
  • In the wild, most toads species live on average 3 to 5 years. They have been recorded living as old as 39 years in captivity.
If you are unable to find the topic you are interested in please access here amazing science facts to learn more

Interesting facts about Toad you wanted

By : agreview
Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 8, 2016
Whale tongue weighs more than an elephant, whale screams louder than a jet plane ... it's the little things to know about healthy fish and most severe in the world.

1. The amazing measure of whale body

The blue whale is the largest animal remains and heaviest ever existed, its mouth could swallow a football team, 11 players and its heart the size equivalent a car with 4 seats. Overall, the blue whale in the North Atlantic and Pacific smaller individuals in waters near Antarctica.

2. Whale males nearly 19 liters of semen production in each mating

The genitals of male whales are long, flexible and powerful. It can wiggle in any direction.

Whales and sperm production in nearly 19 liters per mating. This chart shows the blue whale testicles semen contains the largest amount of nearly 114 liters.

3. Whales communicate in any way?

Whales use echo is generated from the sinus to communicate and can interact at a distance of several miles. Depending on how the development of sound waves, whales can know the location and size of prey, coasts, obstacles ....

4. whales feed on krill are tiny
ca voi
Despite huge body, but their food is plankton (molluscs), shrimp and tiny shrimp, a few small fish and seals division.

They like to feed in cold waters, the South and the North Atlantic, the South and the North Pacific.

Blue whales widened his big mouth to bite taken out both plankton and sea. Comb teeth will hold plankton and sea water will flow back out.
5. Scream of the larger whale sound of jets

Blue whales can emit sounds at a frequency subwoofer 14 Hz. That was the greatest sound in the world, bigger than the hiss of jets with an intensity of 200 decibels.

6. whales tongue weighs more than an elephant

Blue whale's tongue weighs more than 3000kg. That means its tongue weight by elephant or rhino-sized.

7. And all how many whale populations in the world?

Before the 20th century, blue whales exist with large number of individuals in most of the world's oceans. But in the last 100 years, we hunted to near extinction until protected by the international law in 1966. According to a report in 2002, there were approximately 5000-12000 individuals living on worldwide, including five populations.

ca voi xam

Before being hunted, the blue whale population the largest in the Antarctic seas around 239,000 individuals. Other smaller populations (2,000 individuals) are concentrated in the north-east coast Pacific, Antarctica.

Few Things to know about whales

By : agreview
Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 7, 2016
Here in this article, we will provide you with some information and facts about cat behavior. Let's check out to find out what your cats want to tell  you when she/he rubs against you or bites her/his nail, etc then take a better care of your cats. Facts of life.

Sleeping Cats
Cats sleep almost more than any other mammal! They set a record at a whopping 16 hours per day of sleep. No wonder we coined the term "cat nap!"
Also, cats can't actually see in the pitch-dark. They need a little moonlight or nightlight, and then their eyes will adjust to help then see. But if there is complete darkness, they can't see.
Cats Scratching Furniture

Scratching is a common and frustrating problem. When you find cats scratching the furniture it is so frustrating! What to do? 
The first line of defense (for your poor couch) is to target your cats claws. Since cat declawing is not an option, there are other ways. Soft Paws are a popular choice among cat owners. They are comfortable for most cats and quickly solve the problem of cats scratching furniture. Clipping your cats claws will also do the trick. The second option is, of course, to provide your cat with an outlet for his bad behavior. A cat scratching post is a very useful addition to any home. You can make one yourself, or buy a good quality cat scratching post.
  • You can also check out to get more interesting information about cats through cat facts.
Aggressive cat behavior
Cat aggression is a relatively common cat behavior problem. It can vary is degrees of severity. Some cats are aggressive toward other cats, other pets, even people in the house. This cat behavior is very treatable. 
Usually, a cat requires a "retraining" period. He has forgotten (or never learned) how to be a properly social member of the family! This can take many forms, such as scratching, biting, hissing, etc.
This page wouldn't be complete without addressing this common and distressing problem. When there is a cat urinating outside the litter box there is always a reason. 
This "bad" cat behavior is your cat trying to tell you something. It means your cat is under stress, and trying to get your attention. A cat never does this to misbehave, and it is not about the litter box.
When you realize there has been a cat urinating on carpet in your home it can be really hard to keep your cool. But the key is to take a step back and find our why she is doing this. Then help her. When she feels better, she'll go back to the litter box.
Nail biting
There are a few reasons that your kitty may bite her nails. One is that she is in desperate need of a trim and is "telling" you to clip them for her. Two, she's an anxious kitty with a bad habit. Just like humans bite their nails when nervous or bored, so does your cat. As this habit may be hard to break, find the root of the problem to see if it is indeed a ball of nerves causing her to nibble at her nails.
Rubbing against you
The reason your cat rubs against furniture is the same reason she likes to rub herself against you. She is giving you her "scent;" you are her human, and she wants the whole world to know. By releasing pheromones from her head, your cat is showing pride in her ownership over you.
Not only does your cat hiss to express anger, but also fear. Most cats will hiss when agitated, or to simply warn you to back off and avoid a kitty fit. Other cats will hiss when they're afraid of something or someone. A hiss may also erupt when they feel threatened by a new member of the animal family. Let your cat calm down, and show him that all is right in his world.

Interesting facts about cat behavior

By : agreview
Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 7, 2016

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