Posted by : agreview Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 6, 2016

There are many misconceptions about hyenas. They are not just scavengers. Not all people laugh. They are not dogs. They are not even related to the dog. Here are some facts to clarify these misconceptions.

Size and instructions
Although many people are more hyena dogs, they actually prefer cats. In fact, they are cats suborder suborder type, which is cat-like carnivores member classification, according to the classification information system (ITIS). There are four kinds of hyena family, they vary in size.

Spotted hyena


Spotted hyena is the largest species, it grows to 4 to 5.9 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters) long, 2.5 to 2.6 feet (77-81 cm) tall bear claws. They weigh 88-190 lbs. (40-86 kg). Unlike other species, males find females heavier than 10 percent, according to the San Diego Zoo.

Spotted hyena jacket is sandy, yellow or gray, according to the facts about dogs for kids Diversity Web (ADW). It has over most of the body dark brown or black spots.

Brown Hyena

Brown hyena is the second largest, ranging from 51-63 inches (130-160 cm) long and weighing 75-160 lbs. (34 72.6 kg), according to the ADW. Brown hyena hyenas from the other by a long, shaggy hair, which was dark brown shoulders and neck or black and tan body distinction. Neck hair grows to about 12 inches (30.5 centimeters), in contrast, in the legs, face and ears short hair. Tail is short and thick. Forelimbs, which is horizontal strips, a larger build than the hind legs longer, while giving the appearance of brown hyena always climbing.

Striped hyena

Striped hyena is 39-45 inches (100-115 cm) long and 26 to 30 in (66-75 cm) tall paw to shoulder, according to the San Diego Zoo. Their tails add another 12 to 16 held in (30 to 40 cm), they are from 57-90 lbs of body weight. (26-41 kg). Striped hyena have long hair is gray straw color. Their muzzle is black and has black stripes on the head, torso and legs.

Aardwolf a pasture at sunset out.
Aardwolf a pasture at sunset out.
Credit: Kathy Withers - Clark presence Shutterstock

Aardwolves hyena is the smallest species. Their weight from 17.6 to 30.8 lbs. (8-14 kg), and their lengths range from 33-41 inches (85-105 cm) of - and about a quarter of the tail, according to the ADW. Aardwolves like striped hyena, similar to the fur texture and color.

Among them, the hyena live depending on their type. Brown hyena has a very limited range, living only in southern Africa, including 卡拉哈里纳 Kalahari Desert. They are usually Angola, Namibia border and the Orange River in South Africa found.

There are two different groups of aardwolves. A subspecies living in the south of Zambia, Angola and Mozambique, as well as northeastern Uganda and Somalia. Other subspecies extends to central Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

Striped hyena range from northern Africa to southern Siberia.
Striped hyena range from northern Africa to southern Siberia.
Source: Dmitry light exists Shutterstock
Spotted hyena a little large extent, live in the southern Sahara. They occur throughout sub-Saharan Africa and the Serengeti most numerous large carnivores.

Striped hyena have all of the maximum range. It lives in the north and north-east Africa, the Middle East and Asia, all the way to southern Siberia.

Hyenas can adapt to almost any habitat and marginal grassland, woodland, savanna, forests, deserts and mountains high points up to 13,000 feet (3962.4 m) was found, according to the National Wildlife Foundation.

Hyenas are very social, living in so-called clans groups. Teams can have up to 80 members, according to the National Wildlife Foundation.

Female spotted hyena is not only bigger, they are also more active in their tribal dominate. All women team ranked higher than men. However, brown and striped hyena and aardwolves are predominantly male clan.

Aardwolves is insectivorous, they only eat termites. Although termites secrete toxins, aardwolves seems not to be its impact, according to the ADW. By their flat, sticky tongue to lick them off the surface consume termites. They can consume 30,000 termites every night.

Other hyena species are carnivores, which means they only eat meat. They are known to use other animals killed convenience meals, but they are not just scavengers. They also hunted and wildebeest, antelope, hippos, birds, dogs, lizards, fish, snakes, foxes, porcupines, eggs and insects fill their diet.

The size of the meal is often the hyena family how to decide. Clan together to take down prey, so the larger the animal, the more clan members need to have a successful kill.

They tend to hide in a puddle extra food, because not wasted. Hyena eating animals, including every part of the bones and hooves. [Image Gallery: kill hyena]

Compared to other varieties of brown hyena long, fluffy hair.
Compared to other varieties of brown hyena long, fluffy hair.
Source: EcoPrint presence Shutterstock
Extinction usually occurs outside the clan. Non-related men and women, courtship can last for several days after the mating. After about three months of pregnancy, female hyenas give birth to two to four young men, according to the ADW. Baby hyena cubs are called.

In the clan mothers nursing tank will share each other's youth and other members of the nest may bring food for the Cubs responsibility.

Cub's eyes are sealed off the first five to nine days. In two weeks, they are ready to leave the den, but what to eat, but the first six months of breast milk, nurse more than a year. In about 2 years, cub is considered to be mature, ready to leave their mother. Hyenas typically live 10-21 years.

Categories /
Here is the hyena's classification, according to the ITIS:

Kingdom: Animals
Sub-region: bilaterally symmetrical
Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia
Door: chordates
Amon: Vertebrate
Infraphylum: gnathostomata
Super: Tetrapoda
Class: mammals
Subclass: beast subclass
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Carnivora
Asia: cat type suborder
Family: Hyaenidae
And species:

Hyena hyena (spotted hyena)
Brown hyena (brown hyena)
Hyena Hyena (striped hyena)
Proteles cockscomb (Aardwolf)
Protection Status
There are currently about 10,000 mature adult hyena in the world, according to the National Wildlife Foundation. Hyena only predators are humans. Because these animals are losing roaming agricultural area, they were attacked livestock farmers as a general shot.

Even so, brown hyena is the only one in danger of extinction now. Brown hyena are near threatened according to the International Obesity Alliance Conservation Union (IUCN) listed. This is because the average size of an estimated global population of less than 10,000 mature individuals, it is estimated that the population is likely to continue over the next three generations, the equivalent of twenty-four years decreased by 10%.

Other facts of life
Spotted hyena can run up to 37 mph (60 kmh).

Spotted hyena is known as "laughing hyenas" because they have a distinctive call sounds like human laughter. This is not all a laugh. The sound they make when they are excited, but nervous, or when they are submitted to another hyena. Spotted hyena also 10 other vocal exchanges with their clan.

Stripped hyena, spotted hyena, unlike, usually do not make any noise and body movements to communicate.
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Kenya and Tanzania Maasai people are leaving their dead hyena, rather than bury them be consumed, according to the National Geographic

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