Posted by : agreview Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 7, 2016

Here in this article, we will provide you with some information and facts about cat behavior. Let's check out to find out what your cats want to tell  you when she/he rubs against you or bites her/his nail, etc then take a better care of your cats. Facts of life.

Sleeping Cats
Cats sleep almost more than any other mammal! They set a record at a whopping 16 hours per day of sleep. No wonder we coined the term "cat nap!"
Also, cats can't actually see in the pitch-dark. They need a little moonlight or nightlight, and then their eyes will adjust to help then see. But if there is complete darkness, they can't see.
Cats Scratching Furniture

Scratching is a common and frustrating problem. When you find cats scratching the furniture it is so frustrating! What to do? 
The first line of defense (for your poor couch) is to target your cats claws. Since cat declawing is not an option, there are other ways. Soft Paws are a popular choice among cat owners. They are comfortable for most cats and quickly solve the problem of cats scratching furniture. Clipping your cats claws will also do the trick. The second option is, of course, to provide your cat with an outlet for his bad behavior. A cat scratching post is a very useful addition to any home. You can make one yourself, or buy a good quality cat scratching post.
  • You can also check out to get more interesting information about cats through cat facts.
Aggressive cat behavior
Cat aggression is a relatively common cat behavior problem. It can vary is degrees of severity. Some cats are aggressive toward other cats, other pets, even people in the house. This cat behavior is very treatable. 
Usually, a cat requires a "retraining" period. He has forgotten (or never learned) how to be a properly social member of the family! This can take many forms, such as scratching, biting, hissing, etc.
This page wouldn't be complete without addressing this common and distressing problem. When there is a cat urinating outside the litter box there is always a reason. 
This "bad" cat behavior is your cat trying to tell you something. It means your cat is under stress, and trying to get your attention. A cat never does this to misbehave, and it is not about the litter box.
When you realize there has been a cat urinating on carpet in your home it can be really hard to keep your cool. But the key is to take a step back and find our why she is doing this. Then help her. When she feels better, she'll go back to the litter box.
Nail biting
There are a few reasons that your kitty may bite her nails. One is that she is in desperate need of a trim and is "telling" you to clip them for her. Two, she's an anxious kitty with a bad habit. Just like humans bite their nails when nervous or bored, so does your cat. As this habit may be hard to break, find the root of the problem to see if it is indeed a ball of nerves causing her to nibble at her nails.
Rubbing against you
The reason your cat rubs against furniture is the same reason she likes to rub herself against you. She is giving you her "scent;" you are her human, and she wants the whole world to know. By releasing pheromones from her head, your cat is showing pride in her ownership over you.
Not only does your cat hiss to express anger, but also fear. Most cats will hiss when agitated, or to simply warn you to back off and avoid a kitty fit. Other cats will hiss when they're afraid of something or someone. A hiss may also erupt when they feel threatened by a new member of the animal family. Let your cat calm down, and show him that all is right in his world.

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