Posted by : agreview Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 6, 2016

A guide natural for lodge extensively in Alaska recently photographed a sight incredible - close-up views of the carcass sperm whale beached being scavenged by bears sugar.

The images were captured by Karyn completed Traphagen, manual nature Tutka Bay Lodge is located in the central southern part of the state. She snapped pictures on June 4 bears prowled around the carcass and even climbed on top of it, and then posted pictures on "Live Curious" Facebook page, where she chronicles the experiences of her plants Alaska and wildlife.

Traphagen said scientists live email whale was mostly intact in the first time she saw it, and it bears a "licking the skin and water and eat soft parts." She explained teeth whale's visible in the lower jaw, a "larger than claw bear," estimate them about 8 inches (20 centimeters) in length. [Photo: The Bears]


A diet rich need to be appreciated from every angle.

A diet rich need to be appreciated from every angle.
Credit: Karyn Traphagen completed

Experimental aircraft first spotted the whale beaches in early June, and Traphagen later led a small group of guests to the lodge visible location from a distance, so as not to disturb the bears began the meal.

"It was windy pretty, so the smell is not too bad - no" Traphagen said.

Bear River on whale sperm deteriorated.
Bear River on whale sperm deteriorated.
Credit: Karyn Traphagen completed

The largest living land carnivores
Brown bear species Urso arctos includes breeds such as the North American Bear grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis) and Kodiak bear (U have. Middendorffi). Bears sugar traditional Alaska, according to the explanation species published by the Fish and Wildlife Service US (FWS), appearing across the southern US, where they live on the islands as well as the mainland.

FWS described the man as a weight between 500 and 900 pounds (227 and 408) and they are considered to be the largest living land carnivore.

Staples they differ widely on the season, the FWS said - salmon in the spring, grass in the summer, and berries in the fall, along with pretty much anything they find or catch. Small animal facts for kids such as marmots, squirrels and porcupines may menu, or other large mammals: caribou and moose.

Grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park known even to gorge themselves on moths, filling their bellies as many as 40,000 of them the same day.

This time of year, Traphagen said scientific life, her brown bears usually seen eating a mostly plant sedge and clams.

"Bears are opportunistic," Traphagen said. "When presented with high protein, runs a food source these fats in the season - before they were eating salmon - they will take advantage of it."
facts about plants
Competition for scraps
According Traphagen, during their second visit to the place on 7 June with bears even grouped around the whale. And the decaying carcass, it has become more accessible so cheap, too. Traphagen shorebirds pecking at the whale, wolves and spotted watching from a distance. She also found a wolf track on the sand, hinting that they were feeding when the Bears.

Tracks in the sand left by wolves visit the carcass whale.
Tracks in the sand left by wolves visit the carcass whale.
Credit: Karyn Traphagen completed

Although her work is manual nature relating to exploration Daily wonderful nature, large and small, Traphagen explain eyes behemoth beached as "exhilarating" - especially to feeding and mountains as a backdrop to.

"There is no such thing as average or normal for me," Traphagen said scientific life.

"Every day is different and affected by things like the weather, sea ever changing tides, water and nature unpredictable wildlife. I'm just incredibly lucky to be here and to share," she said.

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